It is important to know what accreditation is and why it is important to study with an accredited training provider. It is also important to note that before enrolling with a training provider, you need to discuss what course you want to study, find out if it is accredited, and validate this information by checking the accreditation number with the relevant SETA body, in this case the MICT SETA.

Ways to Check for Accreditation
You must check that the course you want to study is accredited. Sometimes the college itself is registered, but also offers non- accredited short courses. There are bodies and structures in place to check if training providers offer accredited courses. Such structures are:
The role of SAQA is to make sure that the goals of the national Qualifications Framework (QF) are implemented. This means that they ensure higher education courses meet national standards.
SAQA can verify qualifications that have already been achieved. IF you want to study overseas, for example, the institution will ask you to verify your South African qualifications. SAQA can help you with this by giving you authentic transcripts.
Umalusi is one of the quality councils for education. You can search for accredited institutions on their website. Need some help completing your Adult Matric? Then you’re probably considering registering with a private college. The Adult Matric courses offered by part-time and distance-learning colleges aren’t accredited. But rest assured the matric certificate you get after writing your final exams, will be certified by Umalusi.
The QCTO is one of the three quality councils for education and training in South Africa. Their job is to make sure that work-based qualifications meet the standards and demands of the job market.
Before you choose a training provider, you can check with the QCTO to make sure they are registered.
The CHE is also one of the quality councils for education. They are responsible for accrediting post-school programmes. IF a college wants to offer national Accredited Technical Education Diploma qualifications, they must meet the standards of the CHE first. They also must register with the Department of Higher Education and
Training (DHET).